lyndell23: Lace Making - trying to
lyndell23: Making Spiders!
lyndell23: Tortured Torchon
lyndell23: Torchon with spiders
lyndell23: Torchon - making progress
lyndell23: Bedfordshire Lace - 9pin edge
lyndell23: Tatting in purple
lyndell23: Purple tatting on pockets
lyndell23: First corners
lyndell23: WiP - torchon
lyndell23: New WiP
lyndell23: Finished Torchon Square
lyndell23: Small round in Torchon - from a book in French (which I don't really understand)
lyndell23: BaD April 29 - Pretty Pattern
lyndell23: Heart in Lace
lyndell23: Torchon Mat
lyndell23: Torchon Mat
lyndell23: My new/old lace-making 'slope'
lyndell23: My new/old lace-making 'slope'
lyndell23: Torchon
lyndell23: exercises in Cluny Cordes / plaits
lyndell23: Exercises in Cluny
lyndell23: Exercise in Cluny style
lyndell23: New Roller Pillow & a New Technique
lyndell23: old Post Card - "Le Puy Dentelliere"
lyndell23: old PostCard - La Normandie
lyndell23: Lace-making bobbins from Offida
lyndell23: Crazy Commission - Sample for the lace
lyndell23: BaD August 6 - Made by Hand
lyndell23: BaD January 15 - Jack be nimble