blythe me, blythe me not: 城墙外的Hotel Camollia
blythe me, blythe me not: Torre del Mangia
blythe me, blythe me not: Piazza de Campo
blythe me, blythe me not: 正在搭建音乐会设备
blythe me, blythe me not: Torre del Mangia
blythe me, blythe me not: 面包店门面
blythe me, blythe me not: 山墙 the wall of Duomo is not finished yet
blythe me, blythe me not: 不断在修葺的Duomo
blythe me, blythe me not: door and windows of Siena
blythe me, blythe me not: 赛马节海报
blythe me, blythe me not: dinner at Piazza Campo
blythe me, blythe me not: 当地买的大箱
blythe me, blythe me not: 在Siena漫步是正经事