The Real Blythequake: Blythe-a-Day #2. The Butterfly: Gemma as Catherine Sloper in "The Heiress"
The Real Blythequake: Blythe-a-Day 4. Music makes the people come together: "The Heiress" Catherine Sloper & Morris Townsend
The Real Blythequake: Blythe-a-Day#27. Wear Pink&&#13. Love Yourself: Gemma as Catherine Sloper in "The Heiress"
The Real Blythequake: Blythe a Day "Words of Love": Gemma as Catherine Sloper in "The Heiress"
The Real Blythequake: Blythe-a-Day#8. Get Rich: Gemma as Catherine Sloper in “The Heiress”
The Real Blythequake: Blythe a Day: L: Love Sick& N: New Love&T: True Love: Catherine Sloper and Morris Townsend in "The Heiress": Part 1
The Real Blythequake: Blythe a Day: O: The One&P: Poetic: Emma as Catherine Sloper in "The Heiress": Part 2
The Real Blythequake: Blythe-a-Day #6 The Eyes Are the Windows of the Soul & #21 Abandoned: Gemma as Catherine Sloper in "The Heiress"