blynaffit: Taking off at Wilkes Barre Scranton
blynaffit: Eleven Seconds of Flight at Sunrise
blynaffit: Steep Turns at Sunrise
blynaffit: Flying... with a stall
blynaffit: 27 Seconds of Flying
blynaffit: Some Spirals and Hot Air Balloons
blynaffit: I must have been watching something... but I don't remember what it was...
blynaffit: Considering a short field approach at Seamans
blynaffit: Approaching Seamans
blynaffit: Short Field Approach but no Landing
blynaffit: Flying Near the Nicholson Bridge
blynaffit: Just Flying
blynaffit: A More Prominent Propeller
blynaffit: Coming in for a Landing at Wilkes Barre Scranton
blynaffit: Flying Over Wilkes Barre Scranton Airport
blynaffit: Still Approaching Wilkes Barre Scranton
blynaffit: Taking Off With a Shadow at Wilkes Barre Scranton
blynaffit: Almost Landing at Wilkes Barre Scranton Airport
blynaffit: Taxiing to the Parking Spot