Huey Yoong: A glimpse...
Huey Yoong: Chasing sunset
Huey Yoong: Bangkok bustle
Huey Yoong: Bangkok blur
Huey Yoong: Take a seat
Huey Yoong: Universal sense
Huey Yoong: Fried fishies!
Huey Yoong: Recycling man!
Huey Yoong: Intricate
Huey Yoong: Namaste
Huey Yoong: Tuk tuk madness
Huey Yoong: O Divine Light, I heart thee
Huey Yoong: What do you see?
Huey Yoong: Golden reflections
Huey Yoong: Sometimes, it's the message that's not said which is the strongest
Huey Yoong: Ciggie
Huey Yoong: Devotion
Huey Yoong: Power of prayer
Huey Yoong: Intricacies
Huey Yoong: Enlightenment?
Huey Yoong: Numbered
Huey Yoong: Oh delicious light
Huey Yoong: Oh how I heart you, SOOC
Huey Yoong: Time flies
Huey Yoong: There is no need for reason. Only how you feel at this moment
Huey Yoong: Why I love Bangkok
Huey Yoong: Why I love Bangkok
Huey Yoong: Why I love Bangkok
Huey Yoong: Why I love Bangkok