bluishorange: these sluts are made for walkin'
bluishorange: the crowd gathers
bluishorange: clothing is an option, rape isn't
bluishorange: question rapists, not victims
bluishorange: this girl consents to braids
bluishorange: waiting for the walk to start
bluishorange: best rape prevention tip: don't rape
bluishorange: feisty!
bluishorange: victims are never to blame
bluishorange: bitches love respect
bluishorange: fffffuuuuuu
bluishorange: boots n shorts
bluishorange: fuck the patriarchy
bluishorange: slutwalk banner
bluishorange: hula girls
bluishorange: no means no, yes means yes
bluishorange: congress avenue was blocked off for us
bluishorange: the crowd
bluishorange: lots of walking
bluishorange: this woman is my hero
bluishorange: fuck the patriarchy
bluishorange: stephie and lee
bluishorange: it's not my fault
bluishorange: fight sexism
bluishorange: stop aerial wolf hunting
bluishorange: capital in the distance
bluishorange: question rapists, not victims
bluishorange: police blocking traffic
bluishorange: dear nyt
bluishorange: it wasn't my fault