bluishorange: 30-second exposure at 5am
bluishorange: tejone!
bluishorange: swimming pool and breakfast place
bluishorange: neatly placed chairs, not for long
bluishorange: what IS this thing????
bluishorange: windy out today
bluishorange: fake little shopping street in the other resort area
bluishorange: no pictures, please
bluishorange: snack bar food on the beach
bluishorange: watching a stranger's wedding
bluishorange: sand people
bluishorange: coral wall
bluishorange: swimming pool at night
bluishorange: stripey
bluishorange: luiz has the power!
bluishorange: Dusty takes my picture
bluishorange: night balcony view
bluishorange: i'm pleased that I got some stars in there