bluishorange: songs mostly in Korean
bluishorange: brendan, stylish
bluishorange: I found a feather in one of the songbooks
bluishorange: Debbie and Austin rocking out
bluishorange: I chose to sing "Like a Virgin" without realizing I didn['t know any of the verses
bluishorange: Austin, Debbie, Uncle Bud, Abby
bluishorange: Brendan and me, singing Kodachrome
bluishorange: Brendan and me, dancing our asses off to Kodachrome
bluishorange: debbie, laughing
bluishorange: Sharlee, watching the video screen
bluishorange: my awesome shoes
bluishorange: the videos never matched the songs
bluishorange: Korean remote
bluishorange: that's nice, honey
bluishorange: Abby, Brendan and Austin love System of a Down
bluishorange: cups on the table