bluishorange: Kings Park Psychiatric Center
bluishorange: safety department
bluishorange: ivy and windows
bluishorange: through the broken window
bluishorange: peeling and graffiti
bluishorange: broken windows
bluishorange: door X
bluishorange: Abbe takes my picture
bluishorange: pole of some sort
bluishorange: one of the other buildings
bluishorange: looking through the window
bluishorange: green door
bluishorange: industrial light
bluishorange: up the hill
bluishorange: this one was on fire once
bluishorange: fancy window coverings
bluishorange: duck plywood
bluishorange: deliberate angle
bluishorange: more fancy windows
bluishorange: Brendan and Kristin
bluishorange: trying to look addled
bluishorange: Abbe at the playground
bluishorange: funny angle
bluishorange: painted windows
bluishorange: down the stairs
bluishorange: red windows
bluishorange: i think Kristin said this building was still in use
bluishorange: weathered
bluishorange: watching the water