bluishorange: cold, cold beach
bluishorange: Jana and Kristin, happy to be on the beach
bluishorange: beach ladies
bluishorange: beach dudes
bluishorange: cold surf
bluishorange: this is how cold it was
bluishorange: it was then that nobody carried us because there were seven of us and that's too many to carry
bluishorange: Jana walking down the beach
bluishorange: Kristin and Josh
bluishorange: looking at photos, clowning
bluishorange: Brendan snacks
bluishorange: Jana hearts men
bluishorange: "This is Camp Hero, not Camp Douchebag."
bluishorange: walking towards the antenna
bluishorange: area closed
bluishorange: the Montauk Lighthouse
bluishorange: looking through the viewfinder
bluishorange: fisherdudes
bluishorange: Rikers!
bluishorange: helping Brendan off the boulder
bluishorange: cherry petals
bluishorange: walking to the beach
bluishorange: lighthouse from the beach
bluishorange: skippin' rocks
bluishorange: conducting the waves