bluishorange: the top of the house
bluishorange: Jana, Kristin, Josh, Sean near the old barn foundation
bluishorange: the back of the barn, which both Pollock and Krasner used as a studio
bluishorange: the front of the barn/studio
bluishorange: a group of boulders that Pollock assembled in the yard
bluishorange: Sean, Brendan, Kristin, Abbe
bluishorange: offspring of Lee Krasner's spider plant
bluishorange: the only Pollock painting in the house
bluishorange: the Pollock-Krasner books
bluishorange: the prized hi-fi
bluishorange: Melville and human nature
bluishorange: the Pollock-Krasner suitcases
bluishorange: the Riker-Head shoes
bluishorange: trees out the bedroom window
bluishorange: self-portrait in Lee Krasner's bedroom mirror
bluishorange: Josh with Jackson Pollock's grave
bluishorange: Jackson Pollock's grave
bluishorange: signature and stones
bluishorange: tube of paint on Pollock's grave
bluishorange: Lee Krasner's grave
bluishorange: punk-rock signature
bluishorange: cherry trees and plots
bluishorange: a frog picnic in the cemetery
bluishorange: Sean, Jana, Abbe, Josh, Kristin
bluishorange: gone to meet that great editor in the sky