bluishorange: Grandpa's Army jacket
bluishorange: Grandpa's Army hat
bluishorange: Grandpa's decorations
bluishorange: Grandpa and Grandma on their wedding day in 1941
bluishorange: Grandma, Grandpa, and their three children
bluishorange: the One Ring
bluishorange: Mom, applying makeup
bluishorange: Ohio farmland
bluishorange: Dad giving the eulogy
bluishorange: funeral flag
bluishorange: Grandpa's casket
bluishorange: the headstone
bluishorange: funeral procession
bluishorange: hearse and Dad
bluishorange: casket details
bluishorange: malfunctioning old truck
bluishorange: the Allisons
bluishorange: good ol' Christ Lugbill
bluishorange: a better view of the headstone
bluishorange: flowers for Joan
bluishorange: Dad and Megan use Mom's yarn to measure the headstone
bluishorange: my grandparents' old street
bluishorange: my grandparents' old house
bluishorange: Local paper says local college is popular
bluishorange: Dad, asleep