bluishorange: sunset through sheer curtains
bluishorange: taking the dog outside
bluishorange: Harriet, Ella, Maude
bluishorange: Dad taking pictures
bluishorange: the view out my grandfather's window
bluishorange: Grandpa and Maude
bluishorange: Megan wearing the hat I made for my mom
bluishorange: Dad and Maude
bluishorange: Dad and Megan
bluishorange: abstract expressionism exhibit at the art museum
bluishorange: like magnetic poetry on a giant refrigerator
bluishorange: a Philip Guston painting
bluishorange: Swinger Rhythm
bluishorange: The Entertainer
bluishorange: a hat I made
bluishorange: Gretel hat
bluishorange: Mom wearing the Gretel hat I made