bluishorange: heading for the border
bluishorange: going through customs
bluishorange: welcome to ontario
bluishorange: rannie glasses
bluishorange: cable car out the window
bluishorange: trying out a new hairstyle
bluishorange: gelateria
bluishorange: caught taking a picture!
bluishorange: jay's apple sticker
bluishorange: door out the window
bluishorange: jay's daughter calls graffiti "voodoo"
bluishorange: jay and rannie in the front seat
bluishorange: jay's daughter, asleep on my bag
bluishorange: gooderham and worts
bluishorange: some lights and buildings and other crap
bluishorange: from the other side
bluishorange: this clock was only right on two sides
bluishorange: skylight
bluishorange: the crepe master
bluishorange: a more chocolatey place
bluishorange: jay's daughter was right about what this one does: it crushes the beans!
bluishorange: as opposed to the everyday hazelnuts
bluishorange: chocolate: the black science
bluishorange: an open window
bluishorange: another open window
bluishorange: rannie and jay make sure this truck is thoroughly photographed
bluishorange: it's a bit rusty
bluishorange: checking out the tires
bluishorange: another rusty truck
bluishorange: crepe master strikes again!