bluishorange: jawbox tanner & shiner
bluishorange: silent night evil night
bluishorange: beverly hills
bluishorange: roxbury drive
bluishorange: herbalife
bluishorange: silversun pickups bus stop
bluishorange: stoner avenue
bluishorange: santa monica pier
bluishorange: the PCH
bluishorange: a thingy
bluishorange: bench and sand
bluishorange: walking down the pier
bluishorange: people on the beach
bluishorange: no overhead casting
bluishorange: walking back up the pier
bluishorange: barnacles
bluishorange: boards
bluishorange: sign of some sort
bluishorange: the side of a restaurant
bluishorange: i took the 405
bluishorange: waiting for the tram
bluishorange: these girls were wearing HUGE sunglasses
bluishorange: on the getty tram
bluishorange: the 405 as seen from the getty tram
bluishorange: stand clear of doors
bluishorange: something something
bluishorange: getty people
bluishorange: stairs
bluishorange: cactus garden