bluishorange: fancy self-storage
bluishorange: the back passenger window of a lexus
bluishorange: luke and larry
bluishorange: the feets
bluishorange: whenever the public is present
bluishorange: elizabeth and yanda
bluishorange: the dj
bluishorange: late at night
bluishorange: weird tree
bluishorange: 2M2M2M2M2M2M2M2M
bluishorange: awful, just awful.
bluishorange: step into the light
bluishorange: it's martini time
bluishorange: hotel pickwick
bluishorange: yerba buena
bluishorange: sfmoma
bluishorange: petals
bluishorange: inside the moma
bluishorange: looking at paintings
bluishorange: walkway upskirts
bluishorange: something something over there
bluishorange: looking up
bluishorange: escalator temporarily stairs
bluishorange: have a seat
bluishorange: the arrow
bluishorange: the bay bridge?
bluishorange: DSCN3423