bluishorange: ryan rocks the microphone
bluishorange: jim and leia
bluishorange: kevin and allison
bluishorange: maude likes it in corners
bluishorange: funny stuff
bluishorange: leave me alone, mom.
bluishorange: newsum vs newsum
bluishorange: action shot!
bluishorange: kevin plays spectator
bluishorange: sleepy maude
bluishorange: josh's valiant attempt
bluishorange: sarah made that hula hoop
bluishorange: ryan and sarah
bluishorange: impromptu bluegrass band
bluishorange: josh and jim are good with guitars
bluishorange: can you see the fish?
bluishorange: mark photographs a lilypad
bluishorange: why is that dog wearing a sweater?
bluishorange: ezra approaches, maude looks wary
bluishorange: does this count as a waterfall?
bluishorange: on top of the water and under the water