greenleaf 80: 11 Bonnefont east arcade showing rather severe double capitals s
greenleaf 80: 12 Bonnefont-en-comminges near Toulouse north arcade of destroyed monastery late 13c s
greenleaf 80: 14 Bonnefont cloister garden in rain s
greenleaf 80: 15 Bonnefont cloister garden showing raised beds, wattle fences and central wellhead s
greenleaf 80: 18 Bonnefont clouster capital detail in rain s
greenleaf 80: 19 Langon Chapel, Acquitane, ca. 1126, church of Notre Dame du Bourg s
greenleaf 80: 21 Early Gothic Hall beautiful Madonna 2s
greenleaf 80: 24 Early Gothic Chapel, 13C French stained glass s
greenleaf 80: 25 Early Gothic Hall stained glass detail, 1245-8, Touraine, colourless glass with vitreous paint s
greenleaf 80: 26 Early Gothic Hall, Adoration of the Magi, San Gimignano, Bartolo de Fredi, 1374 s
greenleaf 80: 30 Early gothic Hall rondel detail s
greenleaf 80: 31 dragon fresco, Spanish monastery near Burges s
greenleaf 80: 34 from church of San Leonardo, patron saint of prisoners, near Massa, ca.1175 s
greenleaf 80: 35 monster fountain s
greenleaf 80: 36 Fuentiduena chapel, Virgin and Child adoration of Magi fresco from church destroyed during spanish civil war near Tredos in Spanish Pyrenees s
greenleaf 80: 38 chapter house vaulting s
greenleaf 80: 39 Chapter house, Cicsercian abbey of Notre Dame at Pontaut, France, 12th C. s
greenleaf 80: 40 Romanesque doorway, Notre Dame at Reugny, Auvergne, late 12th-13th century s
greenleaf 80: 41 Benedictine Monastery of Saint-Guilhem-le-Desert, acquired after French Revolution s
greenleaf 80: 42 capitals of stylized leaves s
greenleaf 80: 43 cloisters wiggly column with window s
greenleaf 80: 44 window s
greenleaf 80: 44a capital or chained figures s
greenleaf 80: 45 lead cistern used as baptismal font, near Toulouse s
greenleaf 80: 46 Gothic chapel Austrian stained glass s
greenleaf 80: 47 Gothic chapel stained glass detail s
greenleaf 80: 48 Gothic chapel tomb effigy of a lady, likely Margaret of Gloucester, 13C. s
greenleaf 80: 49 Gothic chapel tomb or Ermengol VII, d. 1184, Spain 2 s
greenleaf 80: 50 Gothic chapel knight Ermengol X s
greenleaf 80: 51 hero tapestry segment, possibly Alexander the Great s