blufeather: All set up, just waiting on the kids to arrive
blufeather: Waiting for kids to show up and color eggs
blufeather: Munchies
blufeather: Patio time
blufeather: The kids love the bounce house
blufeather: Bounce house for the kids
blufeather: Laying out the eggs
blufeather: Eggs in hiding
blufeather: Happy Easter
blufeather: The Easter Bunny and his eggs
blufeather: Field of eggs
blufeather: Cute Easter outfit
blufeather: Brother & Sister
blufeather: You've been photobombed
blufeather: Dawn & Jamie
blufeather: Get some more buddy
blufeather: Her haul for the day
blufeather: Silly faces
blufeather: Mikee
blufeather: Found one!
blufeather: Look what I got!
blufeather: The hunt is on!
blufeather: Find the eggs!
blufeather: Hmm, what's in here?
blufeather: What did everybody get
blufeather: Happy that he found a golden egg