BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Noted.
BluEyedA73: Su Casa
BluEyedA73: Su Casa
BluEyedA73: Su Casa
BluEyedA73: Late night snack. Four crescent rolls. What?
BluEyedA73: Gettin' on da boat...
BluEyedA73: Yes. Sir.
BluEyedA73: Our l'il pontoon at the musical sand beach
BluEyedA73: On a log...
BluEyedA73: On a boat...
BluEyedA73: On a boat...
BluEyedA73: Nobody works the cranberry juice like mama
BluEyedA73: Snow White and the Twelve Gays
BluEyedA73: Guess this guy wasn't feeling so creative the day he bought his... BOAT
BluEyedA73: This man is prepared to watch himself a sunset.
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Sunset in Douglas, MI
BluEyedA73: Our house, in the middle of the street... (only not so much)