BluEyedA73: The beginning of our journey: Wild Hare. 3:30 PM. All Civilized 'n Stuff
BluEyedA73: Official Bar # 2 pic: Red Ivy. Adam had to lose the jacket to provide free range of drinking motion...
BluEyedA73: Crowd at Red Ivy somewhere around 4:30 PM
BluEyedA73: Adam and Me at Bar #3: Irish Oak. Adam has unbuttoned his shirt... Time to get serious about the drinking.
BluEyedA73: I met a guy dressed as a Christmas tree. You don't hear that every day.
BluEyedA73: Adam's a Mad Man. With a faux-hawk.
BluEyedA73: Official Dark Horse Shot... Note Adam is now sporting a faux-hawk
BluEyedA73: Bad News Bears...
BluEyedA73: Down zee hatch
BluEyedA73: Adam and Jason at Dark Horse
BluEyedA73: Shots, in the middle of a pub crawl... Bless 'em...
BluEyedA73: Our Parting Shot... Drunk-Thirty at Redmond's
BluEyedA73: The Day After... Matt is hung-ova
BluEyedA73: Christmas Martinis!
BluEyedA73: Pam is a very dextrous drunk...
BluEyedA73: Madge! Welcome...
BluEyedA73: Pam found herself in a sitution in which she had no drink. So Madge and I helped her out...
BluEyedA73: Internationally known Circle-o-Drunks pic!
BluEyedA73: Margaret, Pam, Dan and Larry
BluEyedA73: Mmmmm I think Pam's drunk...
BluEyedA73: The Girls
BluEyedA73: We've Got Back
BluEyedA73: Pam has fallen and she can't get up... So we helped a girl out...
BluEyedA73: Cody hiding from the madness
BluEyedA73: Playgirl 1998... Oh the things we found in there...
BluEyedA73: Hmm, good advice perhaps, but does it really qualify as a fortune?
BluEyedA73: MIckey and his vibrator... Who knew...
BluEyedA73: Fun with Christmas Lights and a Wine Glass
BluEyedA73: Martinis on the Eve of the Eve at Kit Kat
BluEyedA73: Martinis for everyone on the Eve of the Eve!