BluEyedA73: The night before Pride '06 - Here's my get-up
BluEyedA73: Brunch before Pride
BluEyedA73: Pride Brunch
BluEyedA73: Frank lighting the candles on the other Frank's B-day cake
BluEyedA73: Happy B-Day Extravaganza Weekend Frank!
BluEyedA73: Gay Pride Parade '06
BluEyedA73: Me 'n the boys
BluEyedA73: Fags 'n Hags... Fun for the whole fam damily!
BluEyedA73: Korey & John looking so searious atop the sign
BluEyedA73: Roscoe Street Gangstas
BluEyedA73: Me & Tony - Why must we always do this??!!
BluEyedA73: Tony, cutie dancer, and Shane at Cocktail
BluEyedA73: Cuties on parade... Otherwise known as "All the good ones are gay"
BluEyedA73: Hags unite!
BluEyedA73: Frank in wacky glasses & Frank not in wacky glasses
BluEyedA73: Cab self photo. Headed home from Howl at the Moon
BluEyedA73: Me 'n my wig
BluEyedA73: End of night