noel_bowman: IMG_8231
noel_bowman: IMG_8232
noel_bowman: IMG_8235
noel_bowman: IMG_8233
noel_bowman: IMG_8234
noel_bowman: IMG_8239
noel_bowman: tall ceiling you got there...
noel_bowman: Now that is a roof!
noel_bowman: IMG_8236
noel_bowman: IMG_8242
noel_bowman: Really?
noel_bowman: Really?
noel_bowman: IMG_8356
noel_bowman: IMG_8358
noel_bowman: IMG_8354
noel_bowman: IMG_8355
noel_bowman: IMG_8505
noel_bowman: IMG_8782
noel_bowman: IMG_8783
noel_bowman: IMG_8784
noel_bowman: IMG_9069
noel_bowman: A field full of metal sculptures? (in the rain)
noel_bowman: A field full of metal sculptures? (in the rain)
noel_bowman: A field full of metal sculptures? (in the rain)
noel_bowman: A field full of metal sculptures? (in the rain)
noel_bowman: A field full of metal sculptures? (this time with sunshine)
noel_bowman: Snake Creek?
noel_bowman: IMG_9076
noel_bowman: IMG_9077
noel_bowman: IMG_9078