BlueSwallow: Just Married!
BlueSwallow: Box stepping
BlueSwallow: Practicing dance lesson learning
BlueSwallow: Taking to the dance floor
BlueSwallow: Amaris at the Italian Soda Bar
BlueSwallow: First MARRIED Introduction
BlueSwallow: Vows? Listening to talking? This hand holding part went on a while
BlueSwallow: Vows, maybe?
BlueSwallow: Walking down with Dad
BlueSwallow: Groom & Groomsmen
BlueSwallow: Robbie, Paige, and Amaris at the ceremony
BlueSwallow: she talking, he with eyes closed
BlueSwallow: Geisha Groom
BlueSwallow: We did a Rhumba to "You Belong to My Heart" by the Old 97s
BlueSwallow: More Rhumba
BlueSwallow: Minister and menfolk
BlueSwallow: blurry dancers
BlueSwallow: dancing
BlueSwallow: dancing3
BlueSwallow: dancing4
BlueSwallow: dancing5
BlueSwallow: dancing6
BlueSwallow: dancing more
BlueSwallow: entering ceremony