BlueSwallow: Waiting in line
BlueSwallow: Just after takeoff
BlueSwallow: Dscf0019
BlueSwallow: Little fluffy clouds
BlueSwallow: Big fluffy clouds
BlueSwallow: Dscf0026
BlueSwallow: Heathrow Airport
BlueSwallow: Heathrow to Gatwick
BlueSwallow: Catching a nap between Milan and Venice
BlueSwallow: Venice
BlueSwallow: Venice
BlueSwallow: Grand Canal, Venice
BlueSwallow: Piazza San Marco, Venice
BlueSwallow: Piazza San Marco, Venice
BlueSwallow: Gondolas
BlueSwallow: On the way to work
BlueSwallow: View from the portico, Piazza San Marco, Venice
BlueSwallow: Rialto Bridge, Venice
BlueSwallow: Britni loves gelato
BlueSwallow: Amy loves gelato!
BlueSwallow: Venice, Italy
BlueSwallow: Along the Grand Canal, Venice