Bluesock1959: Stairways - Berlin
Bluesock1959: Stairways - Berlin
Bluesock1959: Lost in Berlin
Bluesock1959: Escalator
Bluesock1959: Escalator
Bluesock1959: Escalator
Bluesock1959: Standing tall_
Bluesock1959: Standing tall_
Bluesock1959: Walking in sunshine
Bluesock1959: Walking in sunshine
Bluesock1959: Alone again
Bluesock1959: Berlin Chasing Shadows
Bluesock1959: Berlin Chasing Shadows
Bluesock1959: Berlin light & dark_
Bluesock1959: DSCF2481 Berlin light & dark_
Bluesock1959: DSCF2480 Berlin light & dark_
Bluesock1959: Berlin spots and shadows
Bluesock1959: Berlin spots and shadows
Bluesock1959: Berlin Spots & shadows
Bluesock1959: Berlin - the man in the hat
Bluesock1959: Berlin -layers
Bluesock1959: Berlin nod to Saul_-2
Bluesock1959: Berlin reflec
Bluesock1959: Berlin reflections
Bluesock1959: Berlin Tik Tok