bluesleepy: Grace and Grandpa
bluesleepy: Grace and Grandma
bluesleepy: Grace and Karyl with Aunt Carole and Uncle John
bluesleepy: Three generations
bluesleepy: Grace and Uncle John with Snooky
bluesleepy: Grace investigating Uncle John's face
bluesleepy: Grace and Mom-mom
bluesleepy: Grace showing us how to push a stroller...
bluesleepy: Grandpa, Grandma, and Grace
bluesleepy: Time for more water?? OK I'll get it.
bluesleepy: Grace enjoyed the Pants on the Head trick
bluesleepy: Mom-mom's doilies are apparently quite tasty
bluesleepy: Grace with Mom-mom
bluesleepy: Grandpa reading Grace an old and extremely non-PC children's book
bluesleepy: Grace enjoys laundry baskets as much as her momma did!
bluesleepy: Awww, I love Grandpa!
bluesleepy: Tupperware makes a grand plaything