bluesleepy: Firefighters' coats
bluesleepy: In the ambulance
bluesleepy: Ladder truck
bluesleepy: Protecting those who defend America
bluesleepy: Listening intently
bluesleepy: 280: Color-coordinated
bluesleepy: "I've got a firefighter's hat!"
bluesleepy: Lights, no siren
bluesleepy: It's AURORA!!!
bluesleepy: TONKA TRUCK!
bluesleepy: Time for dress-up!
bluesleepy: Most of her haul
bluesleepy: Birthday cake
bluesleepy: Make a wish!
bluesleepy: Ooo Hello Kitty!
bluesleepy: Thanks, auntie Caroline!
bluesleepy: How pretty!!!
bluesleepy: Gifts from Craige
bluesleepy: Down the slide!
bluesleepy: Fashionista
bluesleepy: Pretending to be asleep