bluesleepy: Being silly with Grandma and Grandpa!
bluesleepy: Trying to brush Grandpa's hair!
bluesleepy: Barefoot, pregnant... and in the kitchen!
bluesleepy: Day 4: The family
bluesleepy: Kurt and his parents
bluesleepy: Three generations of women
bluesleepy: Kurt & Karyl
bluesleepy: Sailor's Creed
bluesleepy: My MIL looks at USS San Francisco memorabilia
bluesleepy: The USS San Francisco exhibit
bluesleepy: You know you're in a Navy building...
bluesleepy: Karyl drives a RHIB
bluesleepy: My RHIB is damaged!!
bluesleepy: Training bridge
bluesleepy: We've taken out a ship!
bluesleepy: Karyl & Grace watch the impending crash
bluesleepy: Grace's turn!!
bluesleepy: Rockin' and rollin'!!
bluesleepy: Kurt shows us how to hang on
bluesleepy: Kurt's trainers
bluesleepy: Grace gets a wee bit bored
bluesleepy: Daddy hands Grace the 2JV
bluesleepy: My FIL listens attentively
bluesleepy: Family with the Pell Bridge
bluesleepy: Our expanding family
bluesleepy: "Mom. Lemme enjoy my bisque!"
bluesleepy: LOBSTER!!!!
bluesleepy: Take one!
bluesleepy: Same photo, take two!
bluesleepy: Swimming with Momma