bluesleepy: Penguins!!!
bluesleepy: Grace enthralled by a baby anaconda
bluesleepy: "Look, Daddy!!!"
bluesleepy: Sea turtle
bluesleepy: A blue lobster
bluesleepy: A red lobster
bluesleepy: A white lobster
bluesleepy: Horseshoe crab
bluesleepy: Grace checks out the touching tank
bluesleepy: Grace is so proud of the hermit crab she's found
bluesleepy: Grace pets a starfish
bluesleepy: Barnacles
bluesleepy: Seahorse!
bluesleepy: Kurt illuminated
bluesleepy: Sea dragon
bluesleepy: Goliath grouper
bluesleepy: Kurt in front of the giant ocean tank
bluesleepy: Me in front of the giant ocean tank
bluesleepy: Angela and Karyl
bluesleepy: Grace and Kurt find the toys
bluesleepy: Tropical fish
bluesleepy: "I'm king of the hill!!!"
bluesleepy: Angela pouts because Grace won't pose for a photo
bluesleepy: Grace consents to give Angela some kisses
bluesleepy: Grace finally agrees to have her photo taken with Angela!
bluesleepy: Grace gets a better view of the seals
bluesleepy: The seal show
bluesleepy: Kurt as Kenny from South Park
bluesleepy: The Customs House from just outside the aquarium
bluesleepy: Street singers