bluesleepy: "Wow, Dad! You get to put it go together for me!!!"
bluesleepy: "A kitchen! YAY!!!"
bluesleepy: "What's this BIG one, Daddy??"
bluesleepy: Grace enjoys her new Tonka truck!
bluesleepy: "Wow! It's a TRUCK, Mommy!"
bluesleepy: Opening the last and largest gift
bluesleepy: Stickers from Miss Angela!!!
bluesleepy: Grace and Mommy mug for the camera
bluesleepy: "I'm so purty."
bluesleepy: "Hmmm what's in here?"
bluesleepy: Kurt helps Gracie read the card from Grandma and Grandpa W.
bluesleepy: Grace hugs her new basset hound
bluesleepy: Going for the first gift
bluesleepy: Daddy helps Grace read the card from Grandma and Grandpa G, and Uncle Mark
bluesleepy: "I am done with cake!!!"
bluesleepy: Grace scoops up some ice cream to go with the cake
bluesleepy: Thoroughly enjoying her cake
bluesleepy: Mommy gives Grace a piece of birthday cake
bluesleepy: "YAY!! It's my birthday!!!"
bluesleepy: Mommy helps Grace blow out the candles
bluesleepy: Grace grins when the cake is set in front of her
bluesleepy: Mommy brings in the cake while singing
bluesleepy: Grace's birthday cake
bluesleepy: Mommy goes for a strike
bluesleepy: Grace dries her face in the blower
bluesleepy: They had these neat ramps at the bowling alley!
bluesleepy: Grace grabs her ball to try again
bluesleepy: Grace with such a cheesy grin
bluesleepy: Grace gets a little help in bowling from Dad