bluesleepy: "What??? I'm hanging by my fingertips!!!"
bluesleepy: Kelsey tricks Kurt into thinking she's going to share her Nerds!
bluesleepy: Tristan and sister Kelsey entertain Kurt
bluesleepy: The birthday party in progress
bluesleepy: Grace makes sure Tristan is opening his gifts properly
bluesleepy: "Look at all my candy!!!!"
bluesleepy: "How do you get into this darn candy anyhow??"
bluesleepy: Grace nearly falls down the slide
bluesleepy: Tristan finds a creative way of going down the curly slide
bluesleepy: Kelsey watches Grace make a total mess of herself
bluesleepy: Tristan had a Cars cake! How cool!!
bluesleepy: Grace and Kelsey make silly faces
bluesleepy: Grace refused to look at the camera
bluesleepy: "Did someone say 'cake'???"
bluesleepy: Grandpa pushes Kelsey and Tristan on the swings
bluesleepy: Traffic jam on the slide!!!
bluesleepy: Kurt again does double-duty on the swings
bluesleepy: The birthday boy Tristan mugs for the camera
bluesleepy: Tristan introduces his friend Katie
bluesleepy: Grace models her new hat
bluesleepy: Grace and the other kids make a hat as a party favor
bluesleepy: "CANDY!!!!!"
bluesleepy: Tristan's dad gives up and rips apart the pinata
bluesleepy: Grace takes a whack at the pinata
bluesleepy: Tristan starts off the party by whacking the pinata
bluesleepy: All the kids in line to have a whack at the pinata