bluesleepy: Kurt and Grace enjoy a street musician
bluesleepy: Espresso at 11:15pm? I think not.
bluesleepy: The crowd heads home after the fireworks
bluesleepy: This was part of the fireworks finale
bluesleepy: Grace absolutely asleep during the fireworks
bluesleepy: The kids on the rock are loving their perch
bluesleepy: "Daddy, it's loud and I don't like it!"
bluesleepy: "I'm not so sure about this fireworks thing, Dad..."
bluesleepy: Another shot of the fireworks
bluesleepy: The fireworks have just begun
bluesleepy: Dad and Grace mug for the camera before the fireworks started
bluesleepy: There was a big crowd to see the fireworks at the Third of July Festival
bluesleepy: A Navy band performs at the Third of July Festival
bluesleepy: This is how the game ends...
bluesleepy: Grace in mid-flight
bluesleepy: Kurt and Grace loved playing this game....
bluesleepy: Grace LOVES corn-on-the-cob
bluesleepy: Our Third of July dinner!!
bluesleepy: It's started already...
bluesleepy: This is one of Grace's best friends -- John!
bluesleepy: Judy finally gets some food into Grace
bluesleepy: The kids all gather on the swing to eat -- but they didn't get seasick!
bluesleepy: Scott, the official gourmet chef of the neighborhood, grills the burgers
bluesleepy: Grace tries on a bowl for a hat...
bluesleepy: Grace playing on Skyler's swings
bluesleepy: Grace follows Tristan back toward the beach
bluesleepy: Loooooooooooooooow tide
bluesleepy: These guys were crabbing
bluesleepy: Mt Rainier peeks out from between the pier pilings
bluesleepy: The Indianola pier from underneath