blueskyday: Fishes!
blueskyday: Looking up through the river exhibit
blueskyday: Another look up through the river
blueskyday: Ben and mom in front of the coral reef
blueskyday: Random people gazing at the coral reef
blueskyday: Angeline in front of coral reef
blueskyday: Angeline in front of coral reef
blueskyday: Matt, Ben and Angeline in front of coral reef
blueskyday: Matt, Ben and Jen in front of coral reef
blueskyday: Coral reef
blueskyday: Coral reef
blueskyday: Coral reef
blueskyday: Ben being goofy
blueskyday: Giant Spider Crab
blueskyday: Whale Shark
blueskyday: Hammerhead
blueskyday: Grouper
blueskyday: Grouper and posse
blueskyday: Grouper
blueskyday: Part of the big "Ocean Voyager" window
blueskyday: Jen and Ben in front of Ocean Voyager window, with bad flash :(
blueskyday: Flock of Sting Rays
blueskyday: Schools of Fish
blueskyday: Saw Fish
blueskyday: Ocean Voyager
blueskyday: School of Fish
blueskyday: Seahorse
blueskyday: River exhibit, from underneath