BluesDawg: near town neighborhood
BluesDawg: Vinson Hwy
BluesDawg: Adam and Rob
BluesDawg: riding through Coopers
BluesDawg: rest stop at Pierce's Store in Coopers
BluesDawg: refueling
BluesDawg: Brown's Crossing clear sailing
BluesDawg: Benny and Black Betty
BluesDawg: cruising along
BluesDawg: The other side of Brown's Crossing
BluesDawg: Nelson Road
BluesDawg: Horace Veal, the beast at the end
BluesDawg: Frank finishes Horace Veal
BluesDawg: Susan atop Horace Veal
BluesDawg: Rob tops Horace Veal
BluesDawg: Horace Veal conquored
BluesDawg: 62.02
BluesDawg: After the ride