BluesDawg: 0-TOV arrives
BluesDawg: 0-the new green weenie
BluesDawg: 1-Toejammers
BluesDawg: 1-TOV on the road
BluesDawg: 1-first rest stop
BluesDawg: 1-shade stop
BluesDawg: 1-riding along
BluesDawg: 1-tossing corn bags
BluesDawg: 1-beer and birds
BluesDawg: 1-beer butt hens
BluesDawg: 1-feast
BluesDawg: 2-hill
BluesDawg: 2-more hill
BluesDawg: 2-Doug's wheel woes
BluesDawg: 3-following directions
BluesDawg: 3-busted
BluesDawg: 3-Foxy Roxy
BluesDawg: 3-Red
BluesDawg: 3-passing Foxy Roxy
BluesDawg: 3-Dublin camp
BluesDawg: 4-get bent
BluesDawg: 4-tandem solo century
BluesDawg: Doug Annette century
BluesDawg: 4-crop patterns
BluesDawg: 4-103
BluesDawg: 4-Moonbase backstage
BluesDawg: 4-Moonbase happens
BluesDawg: 4-Moonbase ends
BluesDawg: 4-Moonbase Michael
BluesDawg: 4-Disco Camper1