bluescrubby: Ko Bon
bluescrubby: Upper deck outside area
bluescrubby: Upper deck inside area
bluescrubby: Another boat like ours
bluescrubby: Excited for the dive!
bluescrubby: How do I put this thing on?
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Lots of boats
bluescrubby: Coming back after our dive
bluescrubby: They help us up each time
bluescrubby: They help us up each time
bluescrubby: Happy!
bluescrubby: Time to get warm
bluescrubby: Getting ready again
bluescrubby: Getting ready again
bluescrubby: Getting ready
bluescrubby: Scuba too sad? No more tears!
bluescrubby: The right way to get in
bluescrubby: They threw us a buoy and pulled us in after each dive
bluescrubby: Do you remember when diving was dangerous and sex was safe?
bluescrubby: After the dive
bluescrubby: More customers
bluescrubby: The sundeck
bluescrubby: Paradise?
bluescrubby: Hiro takes a break