bluerosellared: picture framed
bluerosellared: wheel of fortune
bluerosellared: biding time at the stop sign
bluerosellared: midnight express
bluerosellared: japanese way
bluerosellared: shy glance
bluerosellared: perceptive
bluerosellared: standing the test of time
bluerosellared: yin and yang
bluerosellared: lift yourself above yourself in spirit
bluerosellared: you're never far away...
bluerosellared: life's a tapastry
bluerosellared: distorted view
bluerosellared: left view
bluerosellared: a puppeteer entices the puppet to perform
bluerosellared: staying in touch with true self
bluerosellared: ....and a star to steer her by
bluerosellared: opportunity presents, opens up
bluerosellared: sunray casts shadow
bluerosellared: doing the bird walk
bluerosellared: a clearer direction
bluerosellared: a pronounced lean
bluerosellared: we're all in this together
bluerosellared: cleansing past impressions selling the future
bluerosellared: true blue
bluerosellared: taking the plunge to follow a passion
bluerosellared: what goes up must come down
bluerosellared: men at work
bluerosellared: a long shot is worth pursuing...