Nayana :D: Minimalism
Nayana :D: Beauty and the Beast
Nayana :D: Pundarika - Explored, March 25th, 2009, # 231
Nayana :D: Spring from within...
Nayana :D: Bathing in the morning light.
Nayana :D: Standing Tall
Nayana :D: Sunkissed Vanity - Explored, April 8th, 2009, # 290.
Nayana :D: Peace prevails...
Nayana :D: Delicate darling
Nayana :D: Descending delicacy. - Explored, 14th April, 2009 # 113
Nayana :D: Purple passion
Nayana :D: Yay! Got my bokeh right.
Nayana :D: Sore thumb...
Nayana :D: A sunset is as certain as sorrow... - Explored, June 4th, 2009 # 251.
Nayana :D: This too, shall pass... - Explored, June 8th, 2009 # 454
Nayana :D: There are always flowers for those who want to see them. – Henri Matissse. - Explored, 21st July, 2009 # 133.
Nayana :D: Him that I love, I wish to be free - even from me. - Anne Lindbergh
Nayana :D: You are special…. - Explored, 5th Oct, 2009 # 275.
Nayana :D: Dance like no one’s watching… - Explored, 5th October, 2009 # 343.
Nayana :D: If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking. – Gen George Patton
Nayana :D: If I were silly & away, would you stop thinking of me? Would you doubt my love for you?
Nayana :D: Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you. - Charlotte Whitton. - Explored, 3rd December, 2009 # 165.
Nayana :D: Destiny doesn’t push you where you don’t want to go. You’re the one who chooses. – Richard Bach. - Explored, 9th December, 2009 # 109.
Nayana :D: When you pull a propeller through compression, don’t be surprised when the engine starts. – Richard Bach - Explored, 29th December, 2009 # 83.
Nayana :D: Whatever inspires also guides & protects. – Richard Bach
Nayana :D: Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle. - Lewis Carroll - Explored, 12th Januray, 2010 # 70.
Nayana :D: In sunshine & in shade…. - Explored, 13th January, 2010 # 475.
Nayana :D: Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. – Regina Brett - Explored, 20th January, 2010 # 211.
Nayana :D: It's amazing how one plant can make a home smell like spring. – Matt Maxwell
Nayana :D: How does it matter?