Nayana :D: Pink Reflection
Nayana :D: A walk to remember
Nayana :D: Minimalism
Nayana :D: Birds of a feather, flock together - into the sunrise.
Nayana :D: The Early bird Gets Vitamin D.
Nayana :D: Clouds ...
Nayana :D: Show me the way, take me to light. - Explored, April 2nd, 2009 # 361.
Nayana :D: The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and caught fire. - Pamela H Johnson
Nayana :D: There is an eagle in me that wants to soar, higher than the clouds, above the sun. - Explored, April 12th, # 97
Nayana :D: He keeps me company every night that I'm lonely & blue...
Nayana :D: I do not ask for the meaning of the song of a bird or the setting of the sun on a silent evening. There they are, and they are beautiful. - Explored, May12th, 2009 # 15.
Nayana :D: Just Do it!
Nayana :D: Got the sun, got the moon; Now I want the stars...
Nayana :D: Revelations are found in clouds - Serge Kahili King
Nayana :D: So, as sure as the sun will shine...
Nayana :D: Life is a mirror & will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it. - Ernest Holmes.
Nayana :D: Turn your face to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.
Nayana :D: I did not know purple went with orange till you showed me the sunset..
Nayana :D: When the Sky Bleeds at Night, you know it is the Moon…
Nayana :D: A man may fall many times, but he won't be a failure until he says that someone pushed him. - Elmer Letterman.
Nayana :D: Will is the dynamic soul-force. – Albert Pike. - Explored, 25th August, 2009 # 301.
Nayana :D: Expectation – my oft repeated offence! - Explored, 7th September, 2009 # 125.
Nayana :D: Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift. - Regina Brett, - Explored, 16th Sept., 2009 # 43.
Nayana :D: In solitude, I am least alone. – Lord Byron - Explored, 13 December, 2009 # 237.
Nayana :D: To fly, you have to have resistance. – Maya Lin - Explored, 24th December, 2009 # 75.
Nayana :D: Nothing good is a miracle, nothing lovely is a dream. – Richard Bach - Explored, 5th January, 2010 # 429.
Nayana :D: Stand rooted & tall, even if it means you stand alone. – Nayana. - Explored, 6th January, 2010 # 428.
Nayana :D: When you meet the immovable’s, have the grace to bow down.
Nayana :D: With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes a silk gown. – Chinese proverb
Nayana :D: Beauty shall rise with the dawn from the east ~ Kahlil Gibran. - Explored, 2nd Sept, 2011 # 311.