Blue Ridge Walker: The classic roofs and Sakurajimroo
Blue Ridge Walker: The armor of Yoshihiro Shimazu (replica)
Blue Ridge Walker: The Japanese armor
Blue Ridge Walker: The tenmonkan shopping street with the colors of the sunset
Blue Ridge Walker: The tram of Kagoshima
Blue Ridge Walker: The tenmonkan shopping street with the colors of the sunset
Blue Ridge Walker: The tenmonkan shopping street with the colors of the sunset
Blue Ridge Walker: The Japanese retro restaurant
Blue Ridge Walker: Tenmonkan shopping street
Blue Ridge Walker: Tenmonkan shopping street
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima streetcar
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima streetcar
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima streetcar
Blue Ridge Walker: Tokko peace cannon
Blue Ridge Walker: The statue of the the young pilot soldiers
Blue Ridge Walker: Tomiya restaurant
Blue Ridge Walker: The street of the samurai houses in Chiran
Blue Ridge Walker: The garden of the samurai house in Chiran
Blue Ridge Walker: The gate of samurai house
Blue Ridge Walker: The garden of the samurai house in Chiran
Blue Ridge Walker: The samurai house with a kappa
Blue Ridge Walker: Kura of Chiran
Blue Ridge Walker: The local dish restaurant of Satsuma in the samurai residence
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima Chuou station
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima City Traffic Bureau Type 9700
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima City Traffic Bureau Type 1000
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima City Traffic Bureau Type 9500 as the Chicken Ramen version
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima City Traffic Bureau Type 7000
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima City Traffic Bureau Type 500 & Type 600
Blue Ridge Walker: Kagoshima City Traffic Bureau Type 2110-2140