Blue Ridge Walker: A white birch
Blue Ridge Walker: Mt. Kasagatake and Suzurikawa hotel in Autumn
Blue Ridge Walker: The View from Mt.Yokote
Blue Ridge Walker: A field of Japanese pampas grass
Blue Ridge Walker: Early autumn
Blue Ridge Walker: A white birch and Japanese pampas grass
Blue Ridge Walker: Autumn color of Shiga highland
Blue Ridge Walker: Autumn color of Shiga highland
Blue Ridge Walker: Autumn color of Shiga highland
Blue Ridge Walker: The small pond and the autumnal Grass
Blue Ridge Walker: The fall color of the small pond
Blue Ridge Walker: Mt.kasagatake and fall color
Blue Ridge Walker: The white birch in the autumn
Blue Ridge Walker: The white birch in the autumn
Blue Ridge Walker: The mist on the highland
Blue Ridge Walker: The monkeys on the hot spring side
Blue Ridge Walker: Mother and child
Blue Ridge Walker: A mother and a child
Blue Ridge Walker: Pleasant feeling
Blue Ridge Walker: While eating
Blue Ridge Walker: Hot Springs is nice for my skin
Blue Ridge Walker: An eater and a drinker
Blue Ridge Walker: Feels good
Blue Ridge Walker: Breast feeding