Amanda Jean Truscott: Karl, lunchtime, Top of the World Provincial Park
Amanda Jean Truscott: Kevin makes us some "spimonte"
Amanda Jean Truscott: Tea bag, top of Mt. Fernie
Amanda Jean Truscott: Karl makes kindling at the cabin on Fish Lake.
Amanda Jean Truscott: Fanning the flames
Amanda Jean Truscott: Lunch, top of Mt. Fernie.
Amanda Jean Truscott: Just before we got horribly lost
Amanda Jean Truscott: From the summit of Mt. Fernie
Amanda Jean Truscott: Derek and one of his dehydrated meals
Amanda Jean Truscott: Kevin, near the top of Mt. Fernie
Amanda Jean Truscott: Base of Mt. Fernie
Amanda Jean Truscott: Kevin checking his shots, Galcier National Park
Amanda Jean Truscott: Glacier National Park
Amanda Jean Truscott: Near Glacier National Park, Montana
Amanda Jean Truscott: Near Eureka, Montana.
Amanda Jean Truscott: Near Eureka, Montana
Amanda Jean Truscott: Near Eureka, Montana