blueperfect: _MG_9170-1
blueperfect: IMG_2400
blueperfect: ship wall
blueperfect: st. marks
blueperfect: union street
blueperfect: veranda wall
blueperfect: st. john the divine
blueperfect: tree planter
blueperfect: brooklyn queens expressway
blueperfect: sweet melissa
blueperfect: world trade center memorial from cobble hill
blueperfect: central park fountain
blueperfect: brooklyn bridge #48 (ir)
blueperfect: street performer juggling hatchets
blueperfect: center of the earth
blueperfect: coney island (ir)
blueperfect: empire shadow
blueperfect: empire state
blueperfect: rose petal in pond
blueperfect: flowers & crane
blueperfect: world fair site tower
blueperfect: central park fountain (ir)
blueperfect: gowanus canal
blueperfect: grass glow (ir)
blueperfect: brooklyn queens expressway (hot)
blueperfect: brooklyn queens expressway (cold)
blueperfect: lamppost
blueperfect: statue of liberty from redhook