Bluemonkey08: Tim our walk leader.
Bluemonkey08: Starting point's Chill out corner
Bluemonkey08: From the waist
Bluemonkey08: Jumping in
Bluemonkey08: Group Shot of the Group shooter
Bluemonkey08: Coking at the edge
Bluemonkey08: Our Photowalk group
Bluemonkey08: Ant on Flower
Bluemonkey08: Snooze at park
Bluemonkey08: Busy ants
Bluemonkey08: 2 foot brace
Bluemonkey08: Road to marriage
Bluemonkey08: Line of flat birds
Bluemonkey08: Tatters
Bluemonkey08: On a parkway
Bluemonkey08: Shattered
Bluemonkey08: Designs
Bluemonkey08: Photowalkers
Bluemonkey08: Chinese security
Bluemonkey08: Crossing the road near the lights
Bluemonkey08: Firing in the red
Bluemonkey08: In carming
Bluemonkey08: Check out my ass
Bluemonkey08: A pinch of light
Bluemonkey08: Reflections
Bluemonkey08: Where shadows dont touch
Bluemonkey08: Pierced through