Michael Riffle: A Day in the Woods, Columbia River Gorge
Michael Riffle: Autumn Sanctuary, Metlako Falls
Michael Riffle: Stormy Autumn Day at Crown Point
Michael Riffle: As Autumn Floats By, Cedar Creek Grist Mill
Michael Riffle: Punchbowl Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle: Creekside Autumn Color
Michael Riffle: Misty Autumn Falls, Punchbowl Falls, Columbia River Gorge
Michael Riffle: Rocks and Autumn Leaves at Eagle Creek
Michael Riffle: Newt at Cedar Creek Grist Mill
Michael Riffle: Stop and Rest Awhile... Columbia River Gorge
Michael Riffle: Springtime Elowah Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle: Wahkeena Falls, Columbia River Gorge
Michael Riffle: The Overlook, Columbia River Gorge
Michael Riffle: Misty Metlako Falls, Columbia River Gorge
Michael Riffle: Here Be Dragons... Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle: Ponytail Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle: Moonlight Vista, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle: Vista House Sunrise