Michael Riffle:
Hidden Treasure, Picnic Point County Park, Washington
Michael Riffle:
Clear Autumn Sunset, Seattle
Michael Riffle:
Seattle, dressed to the nines.
Michael Riffle:
Moonlight Vista -- Part Deux
Michael Riffle:
Autumn on the Sol Duc, Olympic National Park, Washington
Michael Riffle:
A Touch of Fall, Glacier National Park, Montana
Michael Riffle:
Sunset in the Olympics
Michael Riffle:
Ponytail Falls, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle:
Changing Conditions, Mt. Shuksan, North Cascades
Michael Riffle:
Mountain Summer Storm, North Cascades, Washington State
Michael Riffle:
Kayak view of Mt. Storm King, Lake Crescent, Olympic National Park
Michael Riffle:
Salt Creek Sunset, Olympic Peninsula, Washington State
Michael Riffle:
Kelp and the Lighthouse
Michael Riffle:
Soft Morning Light - Seattle, WA
Michael Riffle:
Elk, Interrupted - Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado
Michael Riffle:
Fire & Ice
Michael Riffle:
Sol Duc Falls - Olympic National Park
Michael Riffle:
Here Be Dragons... Columbia River Gorge, Oregon
Michael Riffle:
Seattle Waterfront Panorama
Michael Riffle:
Misty Metlako Falls, Columbia River Gorge