BlueLunarRose: For Peace... (Thank you so much all my dear friends... I'm inspired by you...)
BlueLunarRose: Happy Holidays to you all my dear friends...
BlueLunarRose: Peace . سلام . Mир . Amaan . Amn . امن . Pau . 和平 . Mir . Klid . Fred . Vrede . Béke . Kapayapaan . Rauha . Paix . Frieden . ειρήνη . शांति . Kedamaian . Pace . 平和 . 평화 . Miers . Taika . Pokój . Paz . Kľud . Cвіт . hoà bình . Pardamean . Покой...
BlueLunarRose: Wish you and your family all the best for the new year... Blesses... With all my love...
BlueLunarRose: A New Dawn... A New Hope... A New Love... A New Life...
BlueLunarRose: Wish of the Day
BlueLunarRose: "WE WILL NOT GO DOWN IN GAZA TONIGHT" ( Please Read and Listen !!! )
BlueLunarRose: The Noblest Hands...
BlueLunarRose: There is always light at the other side...
BlueLunarRose: Peace...
BlueLunarRose: Only Light...
BlueLunarRose: Happy New and Blessed New Year for you all and your families and friends!
BlueLunarRose: For Love and Peace...
BlueLunarRose: World? Are you still there?
BlueLunarRose: Who wants Love?...