BlueLotusOkiya: Hanameishi
BlueLotusOkiya: Program Book
BlueLotusOkiya: First Floor
BlueLotusOkiya: L to R Kikumaru, Kikune, Kikushino, Kikuyae, Isoldel
BlueLotusOkiya: Second Floor
BlueLotusOkiya: Yasyn Narrating the First Act
BlueLotusOkiya: Beginning of Act 1
BlueLotusOkiya: When the fog rolls in...
BlueLotusOkiya: Teruyo's Dance
BlueLotusOkiya: The forlorn look upon her face...
BlueLotusOkiya: Fading back to the Bones
BlueLotusOkiya: Floating back to wait another day.
BlueLotusOkiya: A new being rises.
BlueLotusOkiya: These bridal garments will no longer do.
BlueLotusOkiya: Rising Up in Act 2
BlueLotusOkiya: She fully embraces the darkness within.
BlueLotusOkiya: Hinako's Dance
BlueLotusOkiya: She takes off her mask...
BlueLotusOkiya: Beauty Shot
BlueLotusOkiya: Ethereal, but hellish underworld background.
BlueLotusOkiya: Birth of a new Yokai
BlueLotusOkiya: Graceful, but humble bow.
BlueLotusOkiya: Crowding around the new Maiko
BlueLotusOkiya: Guests Chatting it Up!
BlueLotusOkiya: Fellow Okiya friends also came.
BlueLotusOkiya: Getting Cake
BlueLotusOkiya: Enjoying the refreshments
BlueLotusOkiya: Congratulations!
BlueLotusOkiya: Upcoming Photographer
BlueLotusOkiya: In the Courtyard