stupid blue: self portrait - six days before erik's birth
stupid blue: self portrait - six days before erik's birth
stupid blue: last photo of my pregnancy!
stupid blue: erik immediately after his birth
stupid blue: erik, only a few minutes old
stupid blue: proud papa
stupid blue: minutes after his birth he was sleeping peacefully
stupid blue: so happy together
stupid blue: erik ... just a few hours old
stupid blue: erik ... just a few hours old
stupid blue: erik and daddy
stupid blue: glo baby
stupid blue: glo baby
stupid blue: glo baby
stupid blue: erik of borg
stupid blue: tiny fingers
stupid blue: tiny ear
stupid blue: erik in a basket
stupid blue: he was so tiny
stupid blue: erik the tiny
stupid blue: happy family
stupid blue: erik's first contented smile
stupid blue: quiet time with mommy
stupid blue: no more photos!